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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making waves in various industries, and web design and content development is no exception. The technology offers several benefits that can help businesses to create websites and online content that are more engaging, user-friendly and personalized. Here are a few ways AI technology can be used in web design and content development:
One of the most important yet overlooked aspects of web development is writing. Not code writing. Just writing. For all of the attention paid to video in recent years, the truth is words do most of the heavy lifting on the web. A website that neglects to pay close attention to the verbiage — or "copy" — it serves to visitors, will never reach its full potential.
No one wants to be hacked but you see it in the headlines all the time. While you may only hear of larger corporations getting hacked, it happens to businesses large and small. Keeping your business secure can be a huge task in today's digital world, but you can take some relatively simple steps to start protecting your business. 
When we meet with clients to talk about new website projects or redesigning existing sites, one of the first points we ponder is "WordPress? Or not WordPress?"
Surveys tell us most people hate them. I'm talking about website pop-ups -- those small windows, also known as "modals," that appear without warning while dimming the rest of the screen and might ask for our email address, tell us the deal of the day, or make any other variety of pitch or request us to take an action.
Root802 welcomes VITL as a second time client. We previously boasted about working with VITL on the Vermont Health Exchange ( ) website. They were so happy with us, they decided to move as well. 
Yesterday we made-live a new website for the SAFEST Choice Learning Collaborative, an initiative of Boston Medical Center (BMC) and Proof Alliance.
MFA and 2FA are a couple three-letter acronyms that pop up with increasing frequency when the topic turns to Internet security. Standing for “multi-factor authentication” and the more-specific “two-factor authentication,” they’re important concepts to understand and embrace if you want to protect yourself online.
Root802 has taken the reins of Boston Medical Center's (BMC) Grayken Center for Addiction Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) website.