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Root802 has put Jonathan Griffin of JA Griffin Consulting Engineer, PLC online with the new Manufactured Housing Services website.
Twitter essentially invented the concept of micro-blogging when it debuted in 2006. But how the mighty have fallen.Acquired in early 2022 by Elon Musk who rebranded it as "X," the platform's seen a number of changes that have left many users cold; and pundits asking whether it will continue to be a necessary component in every company's social media toolkit for much longer.
We are excited to welcome Greensea IQ to Root802. On September 1st, 2023, we helped Greensea IQ launched their newly designed website.
Passwords might become a thing of the past if the IT industry can manage a way to make "passkeys" a simple part of our daily tech workflow. The technique has been making strides toward the mainstream, but it's still a long way from being the norm.The pitfalls of passwords have been discussed at length:
In just a few decades, the World Wide Web has grown from a virtual mystery to a majority of people to being their primary gateway to information, services, and opportunities. But website accessibility — design and development practices that help ensure users of all abilities can access the Web — is often overlooked.
Ah, for ye olden days of the Internet — when a designer could build a website to a particular fixed width that would likely fit on any common display. One and done. And then along came smartphones, and the concept that any one design would suit all of your website's visitors went entirely out the window.
Root802 is thrilled to partner with Five Star Roofing, a full-service roofing contractor serving central Vermont and parts of northeastern New York. Together we designed and built a website with the goal of generating potential leads, and a secondary goal of educating users of common roof issues to watch out for.  
Root802 has launched a new website for Rutland Housing Authority (RHA) at The ground-up rebuild streamlines the affordable housing non-profit's online presence.
One of the many metrics Google uses when ranking websites is the amount of time your site takes to load. Slow-loading websites can lead to lower search engine rankings, as well as higher bounce rates (the percentage of visitors who hit one page on your site and leave), and decreased user engagement.Speed up your site by following these tips: